Daily Archives: August 16, 2008

Gencon Indianapolis – Day 2 Observations and interviews

So Second day at Gencon Indianapolis, the self-reported best four day of gaming on the planet earth.

So far I would not dispute this claim as I have had a blast at this convention, just as I have had in years past.
I have taken the time to bring you my video from today’s events:

I interviewed three outstanding manufacturers of Miniature Terrain for use in your games: They were Armorcast (http://www.armorcast.com), Miniature Building Authority (http://www.miniaturebuildingauthority.com) and a new company Acheson Creations (http://www.achesoncreations.com):

I also was able to talk with Galeforce 9 regarding their new Warcog line of templates and tokens for miniature gaming enthusiasts.

I took a painting seminar from Amy Brehm (http://www.amybrehm.com) regarding painting and blending with Metallics. Great stuff, if anyone has the chance to take one of her classes, I would highly recommend this.
I will have to work on getting video of her seminar up, as It is 30 minutes in length and I will have to break it up to upload it.
I spent another day hanging around the Privateer Press booth today, and they were totally mobbed for a second day due to the pre-release of their Monsterpocolypse game and their latest update to Warmachine, by releasing Legends. I also got to watch Matt from the Privateer Press painting studio and see him do some wonderful things with blending and the new Epic Eryriss:

I was able to pick up two new and exciting Painting videos today also. The first is produced by Jeremy B and was being distributed by Kraken Productions, and sold by the Warstore (http://www.thewarstore.com). The second was produced by the Privateer Press Painting Studio team, and was sold directly by Privateer Press (http://www.privateerpress.com) at their booth!
Well more tomorrow
Miniature Peddler