Monthly Archives: October 2008

Space Marine Droppods and Terminators Primed

Well, things were a little productive today as I was able to prime the 40 terminators and 4 droppods today.  I started my priming with some older GW prime white paint.  Unfortunately I ran out of this can before I had finshed my job of priming the back sides of the terminators and the top and insides of the Droppods.  As I am now officially out of the GW primer (as they have discontinued the line), I finished the priming with auto primer that I picked up from Home Depot.

Now the models are sitting up high on my shelf to allow the primer to dry and cure before I place any more paint on the models.

Terminators being built

With the addition of the 10 terminators that I picked up from the new GW box sets Space Marine Sets, I finally got my act together and finished assembling my Deathwing Terminators.

8 squads of 5 terminators each, with a commander fig to lead them all:

Standard load out for the squads is a Assault cannon w/Chain fist, so that the terminator can make up for his loss of his heavy weapon in close combat with and extra anti vehicle oomph.

I mixed the sergeants up with either paired lightening fists or a power sword/storm bolter combo.

The new terminators mixed easily with the older plastic terminators.

Now I’m ready for that next apocalypse game with my for new dreadnaught drop pods to add to my 12 troop drop pods.

Death from above!!

Warhammer 40k Unit Sheet

Hey guys, I just built this in Excel because my MAC won’t run Army Builder and I needed something to help me print out army lists.

Give it a gander and please provide some feedback for me about this, constructive feedback to make is better is appreciated.

I posted it here:

Link to spreadsheet

I built this due to the fact that my Macintosh cannot run Wolflair’s Army Builder program and I need to print out army lists for my 40k games on a regular basis.