Category Archives: 40k

Space Marine Scout Bikes Assembled

So I picked up the new Space Marine Spearhead which included 3 of the new Space Marine Scout Bikes.

So I collected by two boxes of old space Marine Scouts and combined these with the 3 new bikes along with one of my Chaos Bikes and several Ravenwing Parts from my growing Dark Angels bits.

Now, yes I know that Dark Angels do not use Scout bikers but that doesn’t mean that I cannot build a divergent branch (Successor chapter) of the Dark Angels that is built more along the lines of the Standard Codex, plus I’ve always dreamed of an all Scout army, which in Apocalypse is always a possibility!

Here are photos of the WIP, assembed and based:
Scout Bikes
Scout Bikes
Scout Bikes
Scout Bikes
Scout Bikes
Scout Bikes
Scout Bikes
Scout Bikes
Scout Bikes
Scout Bikes

More Photos of the Bikes

New Scout bikes

Well, I picked up a pack of the new Space Marine Scout Bikes with the Space Marine Spearhead.

Space Marine Scout Bike with twin bolters

Space Marine Scout Bike with twin bolters

The major differences between these and the older scout bike are that

  1. the front wheels are open, ie less bike faring enclosing the tires,
  2. the mufflers, the new bike only has a single pipe on both sides and not two like normal bikes
  3. the scouts are multi piece plastic rather than three piece metal
  4. the foot plate is smaller, with no foot guards on the side to protect the marines foot and now place to rest your foot besides the primary foot pad
  5. the front faring which hold the weapons is much smaller also than the original bike faring.
  6. the seat of the new Scout bike also has no back support pad
  7. the back fender behind the seat is also slightly shorter than previous

I went ahead and modded some of my older scout bikes to be similar to  the new scout bikes, this involved cutting and shaving the foot rests to be closer to the new scout footrests.

Warhammer 40k Unit Sheet

Hey guys, I just built this in Excel because my MAC won’t run Army Builder and I needed something to help me print out army lists.

Give it a gander and please provide some feedback for me about this, constructive feedback to make is better is appreciated.

I posted it here:

Link to spreadsheet

I built this due to the fact that my Macintosh cannot run Wolflair’s Army Builder program and I need to print out army lists for my 40k games on a regular basis.

New Space Marines have arrived

Well, Gamesworkshop has released several new Space Marine releases this month.  First up was the Assault on Black Reach box set, which provides both old and new players with some really nice starting armies for Space Marines and Space Orks.

Not being an Ork players, I went ahead and split my box up and traded the Orks for the Space Marines of another player’s box set.

This provided an outstanding deal of:

  1. 2 commanders
  2. 2 tactical squads
  3. 2 units of Terminators
  4. 2 Dreadnaughts
  5. 1 small rule book, dice, rulers and templates.

All a great deal for $60

To round out my purchase I also picked up the new Space Marine Spearhead.  Now this wasn’t as much of a deal $$ wize, but it did allow me early access for the new Space Marine codex, the new plastic scout bikes, Sternguard, Vanguard, SM special characters, and the totally awesome Drop Pod:

On looking over the space pod, I realize that if I construct it with its doors closed (standard configuration for the drop) that I will be able to utilize all the parts inside for more bit projects.  Given that most people only really want to play with the drop pod with the profile of the 4″ diameter of the closed pod, rather than the 11″ diameter of the open pod, this will be a good thing.

I plan an picking up a couple more for my dreadnaughts in the near future.

Bolter & Chainsword Arena of Death

Bolter and Chainsword ( is an online message board community dedicated to all those power armored factions withing GW’s WH40k world (Space marines, Chaos Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, Grey Knights).  Several members developed a cool little distraction called Arena of Death.  This is a basic system, that employs an approximately 2ft by 2ft board to pit heros from various armies against each other in a king of the hill scenario.

The B&C group recently showed off their game at the recent GW LA Gamesday in Ontario California:

for the ruleset simply goto the B&C site and download the free set for yourself.


GW LA Gamesday Video

I had a chance to walk the GW Gamesday floor and visit the various club tables, demonstration tables, Golden daemon painting competition, new product displays, and various events.

GW Games Day LA 2008

Well went to LA Games Day in Los Angeles, Ca for 2008 yesterday.

What a blast.  There were LOTS of events and many people present.

I will post videos laters, including a presentations, but here are the photos:

LA Gamesday 2008

Sister of Battle Heroines Primed

Well the only update today was to prime my SOB Heroines.

Before Priming I changed my weapon and armory load out for the Cannoness, giving her Jump wings and changing her bolt pistol for an Infernal Pistol:

Sister Mary Elizabeth was also primed:

Sisters of Battle Heroes Project

So I’ve begun a project this month to paint two of my Sister’s of Battle models by Month end.  Part of the project requires that I write fluff for the models in addition to painting them:

So it begins:

The models:

Sisters of Battle Heroines

Sisters of Battle Heroines