New Space Marines have arrived

Well, Gamesworkshop has released several new Space Marine releases this month.  First up was the Assault on Black Reach box set, which provides both old and new players with some really nice starting armies for Space Marines and Space Orks.

Not being an Ork players, I went ahead and split my box up and traded the Orks for the Space Marines of another player’s box set.

This provided an outstanding deal of:

  1. 2 commanders
  2. 2 tactical squads
  3. 2 units of Terminators
  4. 2 Dreadnaughts
  5. 1 small rule book, dice, rulers and templates.

All a great deal for $60

To round out my purchase I also picked up the new Space Marine Spearhead.  Now this wasn’t as much of a deal $$ wize, but it did allow me early access for the new Space Marine codex, the new plastic scout bikes, Sternguard, Vanguard, SM special characters, and the totally awesome Drop Pod:

On looking over the space pod, I realize that if I construct it with its doors closed (standard configuration for the drop) that I will be able to utilize all the parts inside for more bit projects.  Given that most people only really want to play with the drop pod with the profile of the 4″ diameter of the closed pod, rather than the 11″ diameter of the open pod, this will be a good thing.

I plan an picking up a couple more for my dreadnaughts in the near future.

3 responses to “New Space Marines have arrived

  1. Miniature Peddler

    Wow, started cleaning up the new metal marines from the spearhead, and gosh there is a LOT of flash on all the models, requiring several hours of cleaning of all the models.

  2. Cool. I almost picked up the Spearhead but only really wanted the Drop Pod , Thunderfire and Codex from the set. I may eventually pick up the Sternguard.

  3. Miniature Peddler

    The sternguard have some very nice details, and would make great Veterans in any SM army, whether you are codex or not (ie DA, Spacepuppy, BT or BA).

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