Sisters of Battle Heroes Project

So I’ve begun a project this month to paint two of my Sister’s of Battle models by Month end.  Part of the project requires that I write fluff for the models in addition to painting them:

So it begins:

The models:

Sisters of Battle Heroines

Sisters of Battle Heroines

One response to “Sisters of Battle Heroes Project

  1. Miniature Peddler

    Sister Mary Elizabeth has been working long and hard with the Order. She had been with the Order since she was a little girl and had been sent to an orphanage sponsored by the local Chapter of Sisters of Perpetual Remorse.

    She had been a refugee from Illiad III which had been overrun and conquered by the Tau during their major incursions into Imperial Territories. While she and her sister had escaped the planet on one of the refugee ships that were able flee the initial onslaught, her parents hadn’t been so lucky. Her father had been a member of the local planetary defense force and her mother had been a volunteer in the hospitals receiving most of the battlefield wounded prior to the planetary collapse.

    Her last sight of her home planet had been massive waves of drones sweeping down the star port boulevard, blasting all living beings in sight, both military and civilian, while blaring a message, “We come in peace, surrender for the greater good and no one will be hurt”. The door of the transport slammed shut on her and her sister, and they spent a three month transit through space and the warp before docking on Altair 86. Once there, the only news she was able to find about her old home planet, was that her ship was one of the few to escape before all communication had been cut off from the planet. The lists of missing and dead would have filled walls.

    Because she and her sister were underage and now without guardians, Mary was sent to a local orphanage. This orphanage, an all female orphanage, was organized and run by one of the chapters of Sisters of Battle; the Sisters of Perpetual Remorse, whose patron saint had been Sister Elizabeth, who had died as a martyr fighting a Xenos incursion of Tyranids and had been instrumental in delaying that invasion long enough for her local sanctuary to be evacuated, her chapter to assist in the evacuation of her home planet before Exterminus had been declared on the planet, stopping the Tyranid invasion in her local sector of space.

    Mary felt an affinity to Sister Elizabeth and her fight against Xenos scum that have been invading human home-worlds and especially felt a kinship to the order given her own personal experience with the Tau.

    When she was old enough, she joined the order and made her initial vows while still a teenager. Since that time, she has risen quickly through the ranks the novices, soaking up the rituals and excelling in the Orders Militia, showing great prowess in the Martial Arts. She took her full vows and became an Initiate just prior to the Great incursion of the Storm of Chaos.

    While not in the forefront in the battle against the Orders of Chaos, her chapter was called into duty to fend off the increased incursions by the other Xenos races that, noticed that the Imperium was distracted. Both Tyranid Splinter hives and the Tau increased their activities in the Eastern fringes of the Imperium. As most of the Space Marine chapters were focused on the Cadian gate, this left many chapters of Sisters to fill the void left in the protective borders of the Imperium.

    Mary, now Sister Mary Elizabeth, showed her drive and fortitude during this time rising from a lowly battlesister to a Sister Superior of her own Battle Sister Squad. She has seen many a friend and compatriot slaughtered by the hand of Xenos scum fighting on the frontiers of the Imperium, but her faith in the Imperium and the Blessings of the Emperor have shielded her and assisted her in saving her unit time after time against over powering odds on the battle field.

    Some would say that her faith is sometimes flavored by a knowledge in the ultimate wrongness of Xenos cultures and activities that provides her with strength beyond the ken of normal men. A secret pledge to herself of avenging her home-world and her parents may also have a strong part in her inner strength.

    Pay attention to Sister Mary Elizabeth, because she has a strong future in the Imperium, we have not seen the last of her. Her continuing service and commitment to the Emperor, the savior of humanity will redeem all of civilization.

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